Caregiver Support

Guest Post: That’s Why I’m Here by Fran Hutchinson

What makes accepting help easier is to have it defined as help. “I can help you with that” is a world away from “let me do that,” and the first step here is listening. Asking if it’s awkward to get in and out of the shower, difficult to wash your back (a task that everybody has a hard time with!), put on your socks –  to a client this sounds so different than saying “I’ll do that for you.”

Guest Post: That’s Why I’m Here by Fran Hutchinson Read More »

Beating the Deep-Winter Blues

ART - January Table

It begins with the stripping away of all the holiday trappings, usually on the first day of the year, but sometimes the following weekend. Red and green are packed away to be replaced with calming pastels – tranquil blues and creams – punctuated with bursts of color (turquoise, lime green, orange) that are like visual bubbles of delight. They lack the audacity of Valentine reds, purple, and pink, and aren’t quite as vivid as the colors of spring and summer, but they feel light and positive when compared to the muted light and bare trees outside.

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Ripple Effects of Change: A New Care Partner and New Volunteers

pink and orange rose - ripples of change

We are continuing to create a ripple effect of change! When asked why I started Breathing Spaces, my response has always been, “I don’t want others to have to go through this alone. I know the ups and the downs, the fears, and the heartaches very well. Knowing that you have emotional support is critical. All of us understand because we’ve been there.”

Ripple Effects of Change: A New Care Partner and New Volunteers Read More »

The Ripple Effect

Let’s be real here. We all have days where a lot is piling up, and that one conversation takes you off guard and flips you into oblivion. It is easy enough to get swept up in an argument or misinterpret what is happening with someone else. I’m sure those situations have happened to all of us, and I’m equally certain that beating ourselves up afterward with “I should have…;” “I wish I had…;” has no benefits. Looking at the situation without judgment allows us to tune in to what else may be happening.

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