Breathing Spaces
We Help Caregivers Care for Themselves
Breathing Spaces’ revolutionary programs empower caregivers to bring a positive internal shift to their lives.
Whether caring for a loved one,
caring professionally, or caring for yourself,
this space is for you.
Sometimes, you simply need a space to catch your breath.
You do so much for others; take time to do something for yourself.
Let us help you experience your role of caregiver in the most beneficial way for you and the one you are caring for.
Our programs will help you find ways to relax, reflect, and reset.
Our community will give you the connection and support you may be missing.
Wherever you are on life’s caregiving journey, Breathing Spaces welcomes you.

Breathing Spaces
These wonderful companies have joined us to bring support to our community of caregivers.
“I wanted to send along a huge thank you to all of you for what you have added to my life over the past year. Upon reflecting on 2023, I am so grateful for all the Breathing Spaces programs in which I was involved. Every care circle, journal entry, breathing session and encouraging sentiment helped to keep me going and grounded. I have learned, grown and been a better caregiver both to others and myself as a result of all your efforts. Thank you for all you do. It makes a huge difference in my life.”
“The walks (and now virtual retreats) have been a wonderful resource for those who are caregivers for our clients, as well as for our clients who are not only trying to manage their own diagnosis or treatment but are also the caregiver for a loved one. We are grateful to partner with Breathing Spaces to offer our community of caregivers and clients a way to care for themselves, and in turn, those they love.”
“I was so glad to have taken some time for myself and attend the self care for caregivers workshop. I learned it doesn’t have to be all or nothing, doesn’t have to be perfect. I think we forget that as caretakers sometimes and try to get everything just right.”