Finding Balance by Navigating Stress

Getting through tough emotional situations can be challenging. There are days when you feel like you’ll never escape the emotional hurricane, and the overwhelm takes your breath away.


Whether your caregiving role has shifted, your job appears to be suffocating you, or a change in your life seems like you’ll never catch a break, finding a way to navigate these times is essential. We’ve all been in them—you are not alone.

I spoke to a woman a few weeks ago who had been diagnosed with an illness while caring for her husband, who has heart issues. Just before that, her car broke down, the air conditioner stopped working amid a heat wave, and her cat snuck out one afternoon, which she had never seen since. Every time she picked herself back up, one more thing came through. Holding her chin up, trying to trudge through the storm of emotions and events became exhausting.

These are the times when bad decisions can be made quickly; off-the-cuff reactions can fly out in a blink. The store clerk still shakes their head, wondering what they did to make you angry. Perhaps it’s the empty second bag of potato chips this week lying in the garbage you’re still sighing about.

We’ve all had these times. Validating your feelings is a critical step in recovering. There is nothing wrong with feeling sad, angry, or overwhelmed when things take a rough turn. Even those potato chips were quite ok. Given the circumstances, most people would likely feel the same way.

A few weeks ago, I had a particularly difficult week myself. Instead of trudging through yet another item on my to-do list, I pushed my chair away and went to a local park with a lake. The air, water, and physical activity helped shift my energy. Doing so won’t fix anything, but giving yourself the space to BE with yourself and breathe is powerful.

Our incredible team at Breathing Spaces offers tremendous practices to help you balance your life. Anthony Metten offers Inner Journey BreathWork which is a tremendously transformative experience. Take the time to reach out and explore this way of treating yourself to a new experience and BREATHE.

Allow yourself to process your emotions, grieve, and move forward at your own pace. Give yourself space to heal – be patient with yourself. Be kind. Be real.



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