Healthy Living

Don’t Be SAD – Avoiding Seasonal Depression

ART - Dont Be Sad

We’ve been talking about the holidays for the past few weeks, including how to manage the stress of the hustle and bustle, and how lighting candles against the dark can remind us to keep hope alive. For many people -care recipients and caregivers alike – the winter holidays are not always joyful, however. The shorter days and diminished sunlight cause seasonal depression, which can lead to stress, ill temper, and exhaustion.

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Breakfast of Caregiving Champions

ART - Breakfast of Caregiving Champions

One of my favorite memories from childhood is coming downstairs early in the morning to find my grandfather, his comfortably faded flannel bathrobe knotted over his blue pajamas, his feet cozy in fleece-lined slippers, stirring a pot of something on the stove. What the something was would vary – sometimes rolled oats (never “oatmeal”), sometimes farina (cream of wheat). In the warmer months he might be poaching eggs or soft boiling them for presentation in adorable ceramic egg cups. But the point, other than that he often expressed his love for us by cooking, was that he knew what we so often forget: breakfast is important.

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