Accepting Help

The Gift of Connection

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Our friend Fran is back with another post from the care recipient’s perspective, this time about gift giving. It’s important to note that she’s talking about little, every day kindnesses, not high-value gifts like jewelry, cash, or cars  – those are a completely different story. Last Friday my home health aide/homemaker brought me coffee, as […]

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Intimacy and Caregiving: A Different Dialect Within the Language of Love

Caregiving and Intimacy

We talk so much about caring for our beloved elders, our extremely young family members, and our loved ones who have special needs, that sometimes we forget about one of the most common variations of family caregiver: those who are caring for our partners. I like to think of this kind of care as a different dialect within the language of love.

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Lessons Learned from the River


There is more than one right way. Sometimes we get stuck following a method or practice for doing something because “we’ve always done it that way.” But sometimes trying a new way of doing something helps give us a new perspective and better results. In my case, I knew one way of turning my boat, which was to paddle only on the side opposite of the direction I wanted to go. What my teacher showed me, was that I could also turn the boat by pushing the paddle forward on the same side I wanted to go.

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